Electronic Financial Transactions Terms of Service

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms of service is to set forth matters concerning the rights, obligations, and use procedures between Union Mobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') and its members regarding the use of electronic payment processing services, issuance and management services for prepaid electronic payment instruments, and electronic notice payment services (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Electronic Financial Transaction Services').

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. The definitions of terms defined in these terms of service are as follows:

    1. 'Electronic Financial Transaction' refers to transactions in which the Company provides electronic financial services through electronic devices, and members use these services in an automated manner without face-to-face interaction or communication with the Company's employees.

    2. 'Electronic Payment Instrument' refers to prepaid electronic payment instruments, credit cards, and other payment instruments determined by electronic methods as stipulated in related laws.

    3. 'Electronic Payment Transaction' refers to electronic financial transactions in which the payer (hereinafter referred to as 'Payer') instructs the Company to transfer funds to the recipient (hereinafter referred to as 'Payee') using electronic payment instruments.

    4. 'Electronic Device' refers to devices used to transmit or process electronic financial transaction information electronically, including ATMs, automatic deposit and withdrawal machines, payment terminals, computers, telephones, and other devices transmitting or processing information electronically.

    5. 'Access Medium' refers to means or information used in electronic financial transactions to issue transaction instructions or ensure the authenticity and accuracy of members and transaction content, including electronic cards and similar electronic information (including credit card numbers), electronic signature creation information and certificates under the Electronic Signature Act, member numbers registered with financial institutions or electronic financial operators, biometric information of members, passwords needed for using the above means or information, and other items defined in related laws.

    6. 'Electronic Financial Transaction Services' refers to the services provided by the Company to members as mentioned in Article 4.

    7. 'Member' refers to the user who agrees to these terms of service and uses the electronic financial transaction services provided by the Company, except where otherwise defined in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of these terms.

    8. 'Transaction Instruction' refers to the member's instruction to the Company for processing electronic financial transactions according to these terms.

    9. 'Error' refers to a case where an electronic financial transaction is not performed according to the electronic financial transaction contract or the member's transaction instruction without any intention or negligence on the part of the member.

  2. Definitions not defined in this article or other articles of these terms of service shall follow the provisions of related laws such as the Financial Transactions Act.

Article 3 (Specification, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms)

  1. The Company shall post these terms on individual services before the member conducts electronic financial transactions and ensure that the important contents of the terms can be confirmed.

  2. Upon request of a member, the Company shall provide a copy of these terms to the member by electronic document transmission (including transmission using electronic mail), facsimile transmission, mail, or direct delivery.

  3. When amending these terms, the Company shall post the amended terms on the financial transaction information input screen or the announcement board of individual services one month before their implementation and notify the members. However, in case of an emergency amendment of the terms due to the amendment of laws, the amended terms shall be posted on the website for more than one month and notified to the members afterwards through electronic mail, etc.

  4. When announcing or notifying as per item 3, the Company shall announce or notify that “If a member does not agree with the changes, they may terminate the contract within 30 days from the date of receiving the notice or announcement, and if they do not express their intention to terminate the contract, it will be considered as an agreement to the changes.”

  5. If a member does not express their intention to terminate the contract within 30 days from the date of receiving the notice or announcement as per item 4, it will be considered as an agreement to the changes.

Article 4 (Types of Electronic Financial Transaction Services)

  1. The Electronic Financial Transaction Services consist of the following individual services:

    1. Electronic Payment Processing Service

    2. Prepaid Electronic Payment Instrument Issuance and Management Service

    3. Electronic Billing Payment Service

  2. The company may add or change Electronic Financial Transaction Services after prior notification to members as necessary.

Article 5 (Service Usage Time)

  1. The company's principle is to provide Electronic Financial Transaction Services to members 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, this can be adjusted according to the circumstances of financial institutions or other payment instrument issuers.

  2. In case it is inevitable to suspend the Electronic Financial Transaction Services due to maintenance, inspection, or other technical needs of information and communication facilities, or circumstances of financial institutions or other payment instrument issuers, the company may temporarily suspend the services after posting the suspension notice through available electronic means at least three days in advance. However, in unavoidable circumstances such as system failure recovery, urgent program maintenance, or external factors, the services may be suspended without prior posting.

Article 6 (Confirmation of Transaction Contents)

  1. The company will enable members to confirm their transaction contents (including the facts of the member's error correction requests and the results of processing) through the member information inquiry screen within individual services and, upon a member's request for a written provision of transaction contents, will provide a written document regarding the transaction contents by facsimile transmission, mail, or direct delivery within two weeks from the date of request.

  2. If the company receives a member's request for a written provision of transaction contents as per item 1, and cannot provide the transaction contents due to the operational failure of electronic devices or other reasons, the company must immediately inform the member of such reasons by electronic document transmission (including transmission using electronic mail). The period during which the transaction contents cannot be provided due to operational failure of electronic devices or other reasons is not included in the period for the provision of written documents regarding the transaction contents mentioned in item 1.

  3. The transaction contents subject to a five-year period as per item 1 are as follows:

    1. Name or number of the transaction account

    2. Type and amount of electronic financial transactions

    3. Information identifying the electronic financial transaction counterpart

    4. Date and time of the electronic financial transaction

    5. Type of electronic device and information for identifying the electronic device

    6. Fees received by the company for the electronic financial transaction

    7. Matters related to the member's withdrawal consent

    8. Access records of electronic devices related to the electronic financial transaction

    9. Matters related to the application and change of conditions of the electronic financial transaction

    10. Records of electronic financial transactions exceeding 30,000 KHR per transaction

  4. The transaction contents subject to a one-year period as per item 1 are as follows:

    1. Records of electronic financial transactions of 30,000 KHR or less per transaction

    2. Records related to transaction authorization associated with the use of electronic payment instruments

    3. Matters related to the member's error correction requests and the results

    4. Other matters determined by notification from government agencies

  5. If a member wishes to request the written provision as per item 1, they can do so at the following address and email:

Article 7 (Withdrawal of Transaction Instructions)

  1. If a member uses the company's Electronic Financial Transaction Services to conduct an electronic payment transaction, the member may withdraw the transaction instruction using the methods such as mail, telephone contact, electronic document transmission (including transmission using electronic mail), or withdrawal within individual services as per item 5 of Article 6 before the effectiveness of the payment. However, the timing of the effectiveness of withdrawal of each service's transaction instruction follows the provisions of Articles 17, 27, and 31.

  2. If the effectiveness of electronic payment has occurred, members may obtain a refund of the payment amount according to the method of withdrawal of offer prescribed in relevant laws, including the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

Article 8 (Correction of Errors)

  1. Members may request the company to correct any errors found in the use of Electronic Financial Transaction Services.

  2. Upon receiving a member's request for error correction or when the company itself detects an error in electronic financial transactions

Article 9 (Creation and Preservation of Electronic Financial Transaction Records)

  1. The company shall create and preserve records that can trace, search, verify, or correct the contents of electronic financial transactions used by members, especially in cases of errors.

  2. The types and methods of preservation of records that the company must preserve according to paragraph 1 shall comply with Article 6, paragraphs 3 and 4.

Article 10 (Protection of Personal Information)

  1. The company shall not provide, leak, or use for purposes other than business objectives the personal information, account details, access mediums, or information or materials related to the contents and performance of electronic financial transactions of members acquired in providing electronic financial transaction services, without adhering to relevant laws or obtaining the member's consent.

  2. The company operates a personal information handling policy to ensure that members can safely use electronic financial transaction services. The company's personal information handling policy can be found on the company's website or linked screens within individual services.

Article 11 (Company's Liability)

  1. The company shall bear the responsibility to compensate for damages incurred to the member in the following cases:

    1. Accidents resulting from the forgery or alteration of access mediums.

    2. Accidents occurring during the electronic transmission or processing of contract conclusion or transaction instructions.

    3. Accidents arising from the use of access mediums obtained through intrusion into electronic devices or information communication networks for electronic financial transactions by falsehood or other dishonest methods.

  2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the company can make the member bear all or part of the responsibility in the following cases:

    1. If the member lends or delegates the use of the access medium to a third party, or provides it for the purpose of transfer or collateral.

    2. If the member knew or could have easily known that a third party could use the member's access medium to conduct electronic financial transactions without authorization but leaked, exposed, or neglected the access medium.

    3. In cases where a corporate member (excluding small enterprises) incurs damages and the company has fulfilled sufficient duties of care that are reasonably required, such as establishing and strictly adhering to security procedures to prevent accidents.

  3. The company is not liable to the member if, despite the member's transaction instruction, the processing is impossible or delayed due to force majeure such as natural disasters, or circumstances not attributable to the company's fault, and the company has notified the member of the impossibility or delay of processing (including cases notified by financial institutions, payment instrument issuers, or telecommunication sales operators).

Article 12 (Dispute Resolution Procedure)

  1. Members can request dispute resolution related to electronic financial transactions, such as submitting opinions and complaints or claiming compensation, through the company's customer center or electronic methods such as email.

    • AngkorPay Customer Center: pay@angkorlifes.com

  2. If a member applies for dispute resolution against the company, the company shall guide the member about the investigation or processing results within 30 days.

  3. If a member has objections to the company's dispute resolution results, they may apply for dispute arbitration related to the use of the company's electronic financial transaction services in accordance with relevant laws.

Article 13 (Company's Obligation to Ensure Safety)

The company shall comply with the standards set by relevant institutions for each type of electronic financial transaction, including human resources, facilities, electronic devices, and other information technology sectors necessary for electronic transmission or processing, to ensure that electronic financial transactions are processed safely.

Article 14 (Supplementary Rules)

  1. In cases where individual agreements between the company and the member differ from the provisions of these terms, the agreed-upon matters shall take precedence over these terms.

  2. Matters not specified in these terms regarding electronic financial transactions shall follow the provisions set forth in individual agreements.

  3. For matters not defined in these terms or individual agreements regarding electronic financial transactions (including definitions of terms), unless there is another agreement, relevant laws and regulations, including consumer protection laws, shall apply.

Article 15 (Jurisdiction)

Disputes arising between the company and the member shall be governed by the jurisdiction stipulated in the Civil Procedure Act.

Article 16 (Definitions)

The definitions of terms in this chapter are as follows:

  1. 'Electronic Payment Processing Service' refers to a service that transmits or receives payment information electronically or mediates or handles the settlement of payments in the purchase of goods or services.

  2. 'Member' refers to a user who agrees to these terms and uses the electronic payment processing services provided by the company.

Article 17 (Withdrawal of Transaction Instructions)

  1. Members using the electronic payment processing service can withdraw their transaction instructions until the record of deposit in the financial institution's ledger of the recipient's account or the entry into the electronic device is completed.

  2. If a payment transaction does not occur due to the withdrawal of the member's transaction instruction, the company must return the funds received to the member.

Article 18 (Limitation of Usage Amount)

The cumulative monthly payment amount and payment limits for each payment method of the member may be limited according to the company's policy and standards of payment companies (telecommunication companies, card companies, etc.).

Article 19 (Management of Access Medium)

  1. The company, when providing electronic payment processing services, selects access mediums to verify the identity and authority of members and the contents of their transaction instructions.

  2. Members shall not engage in the following acts regarding the use of access mediums unless otherwise specified in other laws:

    1. Transferring or acquiring access mediums.

    2. Lending or delegating the use of access mediums.

    3. Using access mediums for the purpose of collateral or other security.

    4. Facilitating acts stated in items 1 to 3.

  3. Members shall not disclose, expose, or neglect their access mediums to third parties and must exercise due care to prevent the theft, forgery, or alteration of the access mediums.

  4. The company is liable for compensating any damages incurred to the member from the use of the access medium by a third party after receiving notice from the member about the loss or theft of the access medium.

Article 20 (Definitions) The definitions of terms used in this chapter are as follows:

  1. 'Prepaid Electronic Payment Instrument' refers to prepaid instruments such as AngkorPoints and Angkor Gift Cards ('Purchase Prepaid'), and Event Points ('Accrued Prepaid') that can be used to purchase goods or services (hereinafter referred to as 'goods, etc.') on the company's website and partner services. Specific details about prepaid electronic payment instruments are governed by the AngkorPay Terms of Use and the Angkor Gift Card Terms and Conditions.

  2. 'Recharge' refers to purchasing prepaid electronic payment instruments through payment methods designated by the company, or accruing prepaid electronic payment instruments through activities in services, etc. (hereinafter referred to as 'services, etc.') provided by the company or a third party designated by the company.

  3. 'Member' refers to a person who agrees to these terms, purchases goods, etc. from a seller, and pays for them using prepaid electronic payment instruments.

  4. 'Seller' refers to a person who sells goods, etc. to members in transactions using prepaid electronic payment instruments.

Article 21 (Management of Access Medium)

  1. The company is not responsible for any loss of funds stored in prepaid electronic payment instruments due to the loss or theft of access mediums reported by members.

  2. Articles 19(1) through 19(4) are applicable to this chapter.

Article 22 (Suspension of Transactions)

  1. The company may revoke a member's status or temporarily restrict the use of prepaid electronic payment instruments if the member falls under any of the following circumstances, notifying the member via email or other effective means:

    1. Discovery that all or part of the personal information registered at the time of membership is false.

    2. Using prepaid electronic payment instruments after registering as a member using stolen personal information or someone else's identity.

    3. Using stolen payment information or engaging in fraudulent transactions.

    4. Trading or transferring access mediums.

    5. Long-term default in paying charges as designated by the payment method provider.

    6. Interfering with other members' use of prepaid electronic payment instruments or causing disruption to the company's provision of prepaid electronic payment instruments.

    7. Failing to resolve the reason for usage restriction within the period set by the company.

    8. Violating laws related to prepaid electronic payment instruments.

  2. Members subject to the first clause can use prepaid electronic payment instruments again upon the company's approval after resolving the cause.

Article 23 (Recharging Prepaid Electronic Payment Instruments)

  1. Members can purchase prepaid electronic payment instruments or accrue them through activities in services, etc., using account withdrawal or other payment methods designated by the company.

  2. Purchasing prepaid electronic payment instruments through payment methods designated by the company is limited to amounts specified for each payment method, and there may be inherent limit amounts depending on the payment method.

Article 24 (Use of Prepaid Electronic Payment Instruments)

  1. Members can use prepaid electronic payment instruments according to the validity period and usage methods set by the company, which are notified in these terms, AngkorPay Terms of Use, Angkor Gift Card Terms and Conditions, or on the service pages related to prepaid electronic payment instruments.

  2. Members can use prepaid electronic payment instruments as a payment method when purchasing goods, etc., in services, etc.

  3. Prepaid electronic payment instruments are deducted immediately upon completion of the purchase of goods, etc.

  4. If a member cancels the purchase of goods, etc. using prepaid electronic payment instruments, the company, as a principle, recharges the used prepaid electronic payment instruments.

Article 25 (Validity Period of Prepaid Electronic Payment Instruments)

  1. The validity period of prepaid electronic payment instruments issued by the company varies for each instrument. Specific details are governed by the AngkorPay Terms of Use and the Angkor Gift Card Terms and Condition

  2. The company notifies members of the impending expiration of prepaid electronic payment instruments before their expiration using methods such as email. In the case of purchased prepaid instruments, the company notifies users at least three times, including 30 days before the expiration, about the impending expiration and the refund process. Specific details are governed by the AngkorPay Terms of Use and the Angkor Gift Card Terms and Conditions.

Article 26 (Refund of Prepaid Electronic Payment Instruments)

  1. Members can request a refund of the full amount of purchased prepaid electronic payment instruments they hold. However, accrued prepaid instruments provided for free by the company are excluded from refunds. Specific details are governed by the AngkorPay Terms of Use. For Angkor Gift Cards, separate terms and conditions apply.

  2. The entire balance of purchased prepaid instruments is refunded in the following cases:

    1. If it becomes difficult to provide goods or services in services, etc., due to natural disasters or other reasons, preventing the use of prepaid electronic payment instruments.

    2. If a defect in the prepaid electronic payment instruments prevents the provision of goods or services in services, etc.

    3. When a member requests a refund of the balance of purchased prepaid (subject to fulfillment of refundable conditions and duration).

    4. In case of withdrawal of consent to these terms of service.

  3. Cash refunds are made to the account designated by the member within seven business days after the company receives the refund request and verifies the member's deposit.

  4. Members can use prepaid electronic payment instruments according to the period and method set by the company, and the company provides detailed information about refunds on the customer service page of each prepaid electronic payment instrument.

Article 27 (Withdrawal of Transaction Instructions)

Members can withdraw transaction instructions for payments made using prepaid electronic payment instruments before the transaction amount information reaches the electronic device designated by the recipient.

Article 28 (Prohibitions)

Members are not allowed to transfer, sell, pledge, or otherwise dispose of prepaid electronic payment instruments.

Article 29 (Limit of Usage Amount)

  1. The company applies the legal limits as the holding limit for prepaid electronic payment instruments. However, these holding limits can be reduced according to the company's policy.

  2. Article 18 of Chapter 2 Payment Agency Services applies to this chapter.

Article 30 (Definitions)

  1. 'Electronic Notice Payment Service' refers to a system and service that conveniently and efficiently handles notification, collection, settlement, and transfer of payment for national taxes, public utility fees, and various bills, based on the company's mobile messenger (referred to as 'AngkorLife').

  2. 'Billers' refers to entities that issue bills to members for the cost of various services used.

  3. 'AngkorPay Bill' refers to an electronic notice service that sends bill notices to mobile devices based on AngkorLife, in place of billers' paper bills.

  4. 'Members' refers to those who agree to these terms of service and receive their bill notices as AngkorPay Bills.

Article 31 (Withdrawal of Transaction Instructions)

Members can withdraw their transaction instructions for funds paid using payment methods within the electronic notice payment service before the transaction amount information is entered into the electronic device of the financial institution or electronic financial business where the recipient's account is opened.

Article 32 (Management of Access Media)

  1. Article 19, Sections 1 to 4 of Chapter 2 Payment Agency Services applies to this chapter.

Article 33 (Matters Regarding Mistaken Transfers)

  1. If a member mistakenly transfers funds to a recipient (referred to as 'Mistaken Transfer'), such as by incorrectly entering or inputting the recipient's financial institution or account number, the member can notify the company and request the recipient to return the mistaken transfer amount through the company or the recipient's financial institution.

  2. The company must inform the member within 15 days from the day the company is notified of the 'Mistaken Transfer' by the member about the results of the member's request or the progress of related processes, including the fact of contacting the recipient, whether the recipient wishes to return the amount, and reasons if the recipient does not wish to return.

  3. If the recipient refuses to return the funds despite the request through the company or the recipient's financial institution, the member may file a separate lawsuit.

  4. The company must comply with requests from the court for information such as the reasons for the recipient's refusal to return, actual name, address, contact details, and status of the mistaken transfer to facilitate the smooth execution of mistaken transfer return support services, unless there are legitimate reasons not to.

  5. The court's support process for mistaken transfer return requests filed by the member may be halted under the relevant laws if the request falls under any of the following conditions:

    1. If the member applies for support using false or fraudulent methods.

    2. If it is objectively confirmed through documents that it is not a mistaken transfer.

    3. If there is an ongoing or completed lawsuit related to the mistaken transfer for which return support was requested before the application date.

    4. Other cases recognized by the court.