AngkorFeed Privacy Policy

Types of Information Collected

1.    Information and Activities of You and Others

  • Information and Content You Provide

    We collect content, communications, and other information you provide when you use AngkorFeed, including when you sign up for an account, create or share content, and communicate with others. This can include information in or about the content you provide, like the location of a photo or the date a file was created. It can also include what you see through features we provide, such as our camera, so we might suggest filters or stickers you might like or give you tips on using camera formats.

  • Networks and Connections

    We collect information about the people, accounts, hashtags, and groups you are connected to and how you interact with them across our services. We also collect contact information if you choose to upload, sync, or import it from a device (such as an address book, call log, or SMS log history).

  • Your Usage

    We collect information about how you use AngkorFeed, such as the types of content you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities. For example, we log when you're using and have last used AngkorFeed and what posts, videos, and other content you view.

  • Information about Others' Activities and Information Provided About You

    We collect and analyze content, communications, and information that other people provide when they use AngkorFeed. This can include information about you, such as when others share or comment on a photo of you, send a message to you, or upload, sync, or import your contact information.

2.    Device Information

We collect information from and about the devices you use to connect to AngkorFeed, personalizing content (including ads) and features you see when you use AngkorFeed based on the data from your device. This information includes:

  • Device attributes: information such as the operating system, hardware and software versions, available storage space, browser type, app and file names and types, and plugins.

  • Identifiers: unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers, such as from games, apps, or accounts you use.

  • Device Setting Data: Information that you permit AngkorFeed to receive by activating certain settings on your device, such as GPS location, access to the camera or photos.

  • Network and Connections: Information about your mobile carrier or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, and IP address.


How We Use Collected Information

We use the information we have (subject to choices you make) as described below and to provide and support the AngkorLife Products and related services described in the AngkorLife Terms and AngkorFeed Terms.


Provision, Personalization, and Improvement of Union Mobile Products

We use the information we have to provide Union Mobile products. The provision of Union Mobile products includes customizing features and content (including your ads, AngkorLife News Feed, AngkorFeed, and AngkorFeed Stories) and recommending events or topics for friending(=following) that may interest you, both within and outside of Union Mobile products. To create special and relevant personalized experiences for you in Union Mobile products, we use the data we collect and information obtained from you and others (including any special protection data you choose to provide) to understand your relationships, preferences, interests, and activities. This also involves how you use and interact with Union Mobile products and information about people, places, or things you are connected with or interested in, both within and outside of Union Mobile products.

  • Information Across Union Mobile Products and Devices: We connect information about your activities on various Union Mobile Products and devices to provide a more tailored and consistent experience on all Union Mobile Products you use, wherever you use them. For example, we might suggest joining a group chat in AngkorFeed based on the people you friending(=following) or communicate with in Messenger (AngkorLife). Similarly, when you sign up for an account on a different Union Mobile Product, we might help you set up that new product more quickly by automatically filling in your registration information (such as your phone number) from another Union Mobile Product.

  • Location-related information: We use location-related information (such as your current location, residential area, places you want to go, businesses and people nearby) to provide, customize, and improve Union Mobile products, including advertisements, for you and others. This location-related information can be based on precise device location (if you have allowed collection), IP address, and information generated when you and others use Union Mobile products (such as check-ins or event attendance).

  • Product Research and Development: We use the information we have to conduct surveys and research, and to test and solve problems, thereby developing, testing, and improving Union Mobile products. This includes using the data to develop new products and features.

  • Advertising and Other Promotional Content: We use the information we have, including information about your interests, behaviors, and relationships, to select and customize the advertisements, coupons, and other promotional content displayed to you. This involves tailoring these materials to align more closely with your preferences and interactions.


Measurement, Analytics, and Other Business Services

We use the information we have, such as data on websites visited and ads viewed, to assist advertisers and other partners in measuring the performance and distribution of their ads and services, and understanding the types of people using their services and how people interact with websites, apps, and services.


Enhancing Safety, Integrity, and Security

We use the information in our possession to verify accounts and activities, prevent harmful conduct, detect and prevent spam and other negative experiences, maintain the integrity of our products, and enhance the safety and security of Union Mobile products both on and off our platforms. For example, we may use the data we have to investigate suspicious activities or violations of our terms or policies, or to detect when someone might need help.


Communication with Users

We use the data we hold to deliver marketing materials to you, communicate about our Union Mobile products, and inform you about our AngkorLife/Feed policies and terms. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.


Information Sharing Methods

  1. Sharing on Union Mobile Products

  • People and Accounts with Whom You Share and Communicate: When you use AngkorFeed products to share or communicate, you can choose who you share with, such as private, friends-only, or public posts. Similarly, when you communicate with people or businesses using AngkorLife or AngkorFeed, they can see the content you send. Your network can also see actions you take on the Union Mobile products, including engagement with ads and promotional content. We allow other accounts to see who has viewed their AngkorFeed stories.
    Public information can be seen by anyone, inside and outside the Union Mobile products, even if they don't have an account. This includes your AngkorFeed screen name, any information you share with a public audience, information in your public AngkorLife profile, and content you share on an AngkorFeed page.

  • People who can see your activity on AngkorFeed products have the option to share or reshare your content with others (including people and businesses outside your chosen audience), so you should consider this when selecting your audience. For example, if you share a post or send a message to a specific friend or account, they can reshare it directly or outside of Union Mobile products. Also, when you comment on or react to someone else's post, people who can see that content may be able to see your comment or reaction, and the person who posted the content can later change the audience.

People can use AngkorFeed products to create content about you and share it with an audience of their choice. For instance, they might share your photo in a story, mention or tag your location in a post, or share information about you in a post or message. If you feel uncomfortable with content shared about you on AngkorFeed products, you have the option to report the content.

w   New Owners: In case of ownership or operation changes of AngkorFeed products or assets, we can share your information with new owners.


2.    Sharing with Third-party Partners

We collaborate with third-party partners to support and improve Union Mobile, grow businesses using AngkorFeed business tools, and provide free services in Cambodia (and other countries). We do not sell your information to anyone and will not do so in the future. We also have strict restrictions on how partners can use and disclose the data we provide. Types of third parties we share information with:

  • Advertisers: We provide advertisers with reports on the types of people who see their ads and the performance of their ads, but we do not share information that personally identifies you (such as your name or email address that could be used to contact or identify you) unless you permit us to do so. For example, we give advertisers general demographic and interest information (like an ad being shown to women aged 18-25 in Phnom Penh who are interested in Art) to better target their ads. We also identify if an ad has influenced your purchase or actions related to the advertiser.

  • Partners Using AngkorFeed Analytics Services: We provide individuals and businesses with aggregated statistics and insights to understand how people engage with posts, lists, videos, and other content on and off AngkorFeed products. For example, AngkorFeed business profiles receive information about the number of people who viewed, reacted to, or commented on their posts, as well as aggregated demographic characteristics and interactions with other accounts, which can help them understand their audience better.

  • Partners Providing Goods and Services in AngkorFeed: If you subscribe to premium content or purchase goods from a seller within AngkorFeed products, content creators or sellers may receive information you share publicly and other information necessary to complete the transaction, including shipping and contact details.

  • Law Enforcement or Legal Requests: We share information in response to legal requests or in specific situations as outlined below.


How to Manage or Delete Your Information

To manage or delete your information, we store data only until it is no longer necessary to provide AngkorLife services and AngkorFeed products, or until your account is deleted, whichever comes first. This determination is based on factors such as the nature of the data, why it was collected and processed, and relevant legal or operational retention needs. For example, when you search for something on AngkorFeed, you can access and delete that query from your search history at any time, but the log of that search is deleted after 6 months. If you submit a copy of your government-issued ID for account verification, we will delete that copy within 30 days of review, unless otherwise stated.

Information others have shared about you isn't part of your account and won't be deleted.


Response to Legal Requests and Prevention of Harm

AngkorFeed accesses, preserves, and shares your information with regulators, law enforcement, or others in response to legal requests.

  • When accompanied by a legal request (e.g., search warrant, court order, subpoena) and deemed necessary for law enforcement. This includes accepting requests from jurisdictions outside the Cambodia when necessary according to the laws of that jurisdiction, impacting users in that region, and consistent with internationally recognized standards.

  • When Union Mobile recognizes a necessity, including measures to detect and prevent fraud, unauthorized use of products, terms or policy violations, or other harmful or illegal activities to protect you or others. This includes sharing information about the integrity of accounts with third-party partners to prevent fraudulent, abusive, and other harmful activities in our products. For example, when relevant, we exchange information with third parties to protect against fraud and abuse in our products.

Information we collect about your activities, including financial transaction data related to purchases made using our products, can be accessed and preserved for a prolonged period in response to legal requests or obligations, government investigations, potential violations of our terms and policies, or to prevent other harms. We also retain information from accounts disabled for terms violations for at least one year to prevent repeat abuse or other violations of our terms.


Notice of Changes to the Privacy Policy

We will notify you before we make changes to this policy and give you the opportunity to review the revised policy before you choose to continue using AngkorFeed products.


How to Contact AngkorFeed

Union Mobile Co., Ltd.

Attn: Privacy Policy

Address: 3F, 630A, NR No.2, Toul Roka, Chak Angre Kroam, Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Privacy Officer: Jason Oh

Chief Privacy Governance Officer



(Revised December 1, 2023)